Content Curation Tools

Let us understand some of the tools that can help you create and promote one of the best libraries of curated content.


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This is great content aggregation tool and helps you view the latest content on topics that you may be interested in. You can login from any browser to get an update. Netvibes serves as a dashboard, where you can monitor the latest headlines on topics from your favorite new sources. You can subscribe to the RSS feeds of websites which you appreciate and Netvibes will cumulate these feeds and allow you to view them on the dashboard. If you desire, you can even propagate content to your target audience through your dashboard at just a click of a button.


2. Google Alerts

It is not as easy task to locate desired content on the web. To efficiently manage content discovery process, you can look forward to use Google Alerts. By subscribing to Google Alert you can get real time updated information on the topics or search terms of your choice. It is very easy to use Google Alerts and more importantly it is free. You just need to decide the keywords or the search terms and Google Alerts will do the rest for you. You can subscribe to alerts for multiple keywords and choose to receive these either once a day or in real time. These notifications or alerts can be received by e-mail or can even be set up as an RSS feed using Snapshot publisher (a social media management application).



This is another easy to use and one of the top rated content discovery and sharing tool. Let know about topics you are interested in gathering information on and it will give you a list of articles on the same. You can scan each of these and publish those which you find interesting on your board. Apart from articles on the web, you can also follow those people on who might be writing great articles which may be relevant to your interest. Once the curated content is on your board, you can easily share it with your followers and also with other social media channels.



If you know some fellow bloggers who publish great content, Feedly is the tool for you. It may be cumbersome for you to individually visit each of these blogs to collate content and here Feedly comes to your help. All you have to do is subscribe to posts on these blogs and Feedly will collate the updated content on these blogs and display it. By default, Feedly will highlight the most shared content to assist you in getting a perspective on the level of audience interest on a publication. Feedly is available for both mobile and desktops. Feedly is preintegrated with Pinterest and any of the blogs that you may find interesting, you can publish it on the board of Pinterest directly from Feedly.


5. Newsle

This is a great way to remain updated with articles appearing on the web about people whom you may be either interested in or you are either connected to. Newsle will check the various important publications and inform you if anybody in your network has made it in the news. With Newsle you can track news on people whom you may be connected with either on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. You can also follow people who may not be on your network. You can track articles published by journalists you admire.


6. SocialMention

This is a content discovery and analytical tool which will help you curate the best content on the social media for a given keyword. SocialMention will display results that are being discussed in social media related to the keyword. It will also provide you various statistics that will help you gauge the value of the keyword from a social media perspective. It empowers with you such information on the keyword, which will help you understand how many people are talking about the same keyword; the passion among people for the keyword as measured by number of repeated references by the same author for the keyword and number of retweets. It also lets you know a person’s popularity in the various social media.


7. Storify

With Storify you can create or find stories on a topic of interest. If you want to know about a topic or an event which just happened, you can search Storify to know if somebody has documented a story on the same. Likewise, you can even publish a story on a given topic, which you think may be of interest to your audience.



Using is not only useful but it is also great fun. With you can create a list of almost anything and rank order it as per your preference. Your friends can vote for your choice on the list. As more people vote on your list, you get to know people’s choice with regard to the best. You can create a list for almost anything. The best thing about is that it allows you to work in collaboration with the audience. can help you identify what people admire and like and thus help you screen the best. Thus with, the choice of best content is not dependent on the individual, but is driven by the choice of the people and there is no better way to curate than this.


9. Post Planner

With Post Planner you can identify for a given keyword, the most liked or shared content on Facebook.Post Planner will give you a list of posts on Facebook relevant to the keyword. The list can be sorted based on the number of likes or number of shares or by its date of publishing. Thus Post Planner helps you curate the most liked content on Facebook.


10. Paper.Li

It allows you to create your newspaper based on keyword that you may select. You can define the content of the newspaper by identifying the sources and keywords that you want to be included. After the paper is published based on these keywords, you can choose to remove the ones you do not want to be published. Your followers can subscribe to the newspaper. Users can also have a widget of your newspaper on their website, just by copying and pasting a few lines of code. You can decide the time of the day when you would like your newspaper to be published. The newspaper has a responsive design and can be viewed well in smartphones, desktops and tablets.


11. Triberr

A community of bloggers and influencers connects on this platform with an objective of sharing some great content on different subjects. When different bloggers writing on the same topics connect, there is an opportunity to find the best value on a given subject. Triberr imports the latest posts from various blogs and shares it with fellow bloggers, who can then post it on their own blogs if they find it important for their subscriber base. Thus, a blogger not only gets a comprehensive coverage on a subject, but also gets an opportunity to pick the best content available in the blogger community.


12. Curata

This is a paid curation services and intended for businesses to execute their content marketing strategy with ease. It is quite differentiated when it comes to curating and sharing the curated content. The software handles most of the job for you. You just need to decide the content that you feel would be important and Curata would design your blog posts accordingly and even publish it.


13. BundlePost

BundlePost lets you easily aggregate RSS feeds based on certain keywords that you define to the system. It will feed you with most relevant feeds on your chosen keywords about four times in a day. You can choose from the feeds to understand which ones are of value to your audience and delete the others. After curating the feed, you can schedule the delivery of the posts through various social media networks. You can have a separate schedule for each social network.



This is content marketing tool and helps you organize your content marketing in the most structured way. Kapost is a comprehensive tool that manages all aspects of content marketing from ideation to distribution and also helps you develop a strong audience for your content.


15. Compendium

Like Kapost, Compendium too is an enterprise tool and offers robust functionalities for content marketing. Compendium helps you deliver the right content to a person just at the time it is needed using the most suitable channel. Compendium was taken over by Oracle.


16. Nearpod

This one is a mobile app for educators that customize content such that the audience can connect better. It helps the teacher customize content through multimedia tools to enable effective delivery.


17. Newscred

A powerful content marketing and curation tool, Newscred offers a variety of functions. To meet your content requirement, Newscred provides you access to a million plus articles, images and videos. It even recommends you content that would work best for your audience. The recommendations are not guess work, but are done after a thorough analysis of the various social media channels. If you are looking to create your original content you can look forward to hire one from the exclusive freelancer network of Newscreed. Once the content is created, it provides you with easy to use authoring tools for editing and publishing the content. You can share the content on the various social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and others at just a click of a button.



Intended for media companies and large enterprises, Echo helps you with real time conversation with your audience. People can login to post messages, comment and chat using any of social networking identity. They can even aggregate content from social mediainto the app and engage into threaded discussions.


19. Magnify

This one has its niche among content curation tools as it helps you curate video content, which most of the other tools won’t help you at. There is a growing video content on the web and it is increasingly becoming difficult for audience to find out which of these is really good. Magnify has a patented technology to discover valuable video content on the web for a given subject and curate it.



It helps you search for authority articles, simply by typing the keywords. The ‘smart’ algorithm embedded in the tool overtime understands your preference and dish out content that are relevant to you. Trapit also makes it easier for you to share articles.