Benefits of Organic Fertilizers over Inorganic

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Whether you are a farmer or gardener, you will want to ensure that your plants get adequate nutrients to facilitate optimal growth. This will make your garden or farm have a better yield. This is where fertilizers come in which help to provide all the necessary nourishment. While you can go for inorganic fertilizer, the real deal is usually better than the synthetic stuff. Here is why.

Advantage of Using Organic Fertilizer

In comparison to synthetic or inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizer contains nutrients that are released gradually into the soil. These nutrients are made from animal or vegetable compost and/or coconut fibers which are broken down by microorganisms. As a result, nutrients are delivered to plants at an optimal rate thereby ensuring the plants are always well-nourished. On the other hand, inorganic fertilizers are formulated to break down quickly and easily. So the risk is plants may absorb too many nutrients resulting in an overdose or burning of the leaves. This also leads to acidification of the soil which can destroy beneficial bacteria and microorganisms present in the soil.

Organic fertilizers contain ingredients that are biodegradable. Hence, these nutrients do not cause soil or water pollution and do not pose a risk to birds and other wildlife. The same cannot be said about inorganic fertilizers.

When it comes to kids and pets, organic fertilizers are considered safe and do not have toxic or harmful effects. This means kids and pets can enjoy themselves in the garden and parents do not have to worry about limiting their exposure to the fertilizer. Synthetic fertilizers are known for the toxic ingredients and cannot be exposed to kids and pets. While parents can limit exposure to these fertilizers, the same cannot be done for the local wildlife. Bees, birds, butterflies and other insects that are part of the ecosystem can get adversely affected or even killed. This can wreak havoc with the food chain.

The Bottom Line

Organic fertilizers are beneficial for plants and environment. And, you do necessarily not have to buy them. You can make your own fertilizer at home or in your farm by using dead plant parts, twigs, vegetable peels and leaves to make vegetable-based organic fertilizer at hardly any cost. Alternatively, you can buy animal manure from a farm at relatively cheap price. Usually, animal manure is not used for fruiting plants and trees because of bacterial risks. However, it can be used for lawns, flowering plants and ornamental plants and trees.
