Themify Wordpress Themes - A Review

Themify themes have been great friend to us since first time we came to know about them. There were many established names in selling WordPress Themes, but Themify we had found was/is ahead of others, much more advanced in what they offer in the lowest price in the market.

The quality of their coding themes can be rated as five stars or nine of ten marks. We used their 4-5 different themes and We had never had to switch to other themes for our websites. They are easy to customize, saves time and highly SEO friendly as we have found them.

These wordpress themes are ideal for starting your own website with fewer efforts as well as they can be used for small to large business websites, too.

We have noticed they have introduced many new themes since we purchased their Magazine theme which is powering our website. Though Themify themes are best, we have a suggestion which can help them become number one theme maker. There should be more options to manage Home page design in admin and should have easy and more font selection inside their themes and they should offer 5 free licensed images giving users options to select their images out of many pictures available in library.

To conclude, we are satisfied client and we love Themify themes!