What is a Website?

Can you imagine life without the internet? What would it be like if we had to go to the library every time we wanted to research something? How would random trivia bets between friends get settled? Oh, the horror!

In today’s competitive world, the internet is being used tremendously by businesses everywhere. To be on the web and get business online, you need to create an attractive website. Even before you get started on designing your own website, you need to know a few basic things.


It basically represents a collection of webpages or documents which contain information in the form of words, pictures, all types of multimedia etc. A website is a location on the World Wide Web (WWW). A website’s main page is referred to as a ‘homepage’ and all the others are known as ‘subpages’. The homepage is basically the first thing a user sees when they log on to a particular website. Each website is managed by a company, organisation or an individual. They are usually presented in an aesthetically pleasing and attention grabbing way in order to capture the user’s interest.

Web page

This is essentially a document written in programming languages like HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and PHP. Website programming means defining the website structure and managing its behaviour while users browse through the pages.

Web browsers, which are basically programs used to surf the net, like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera or Mozilla Firefox, are told what information should be displayed and formatted by way of HTML. Web design techniques help to give the structured information a more user friendly feel.

A web page can almost always be accessible through HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), a 4-letter abbreviation and main protocol of the World Wide Web, which is visible at the start of each website name and can transfer information from the web server to the user’s web browser.


A server can be defined as a network of computers which is able to store websites. Hosting providers sell and maintain server space. In order to ensure that your website is accessible by the public, you have to host your website on a server.


Different websites or webpages are joined or connected through ‘hyperlinks’ which are usually text or pictures on a website which when clicked redirect you to another location. This new location can be a whole new website, another place on the same page or a new subpage.


What Makes a Website?


Domain name

You can access a particular website simply by typing the name in the address bar of your web browser. Website names are usually easy to remember and often contain a bunch of letters and numbers. Domain names make accessing websites particularly easy! A domain name is nothing but a ‘web address’ that enables people to access your website through the World Wide Web. A domain name can be obtained through a company called Domain Registrars whose specialty is registering different web addresses.

You should basically think of a domain name as an address to a home. You would know where your house is located, but if you’re inviting someone over, you need to inform them of your address and not just say “come to my house”. You should provide them with the proper street address in order to make it easier for them to figure out where you live.

Similarly, in the internet world or WWW, your home address is your registered domain name and the street address is the IP address. This IP address is basically a combination of numbers linked to your domain name that indicates to a computer which web site to go to. The computer will not be aware of which site to visit until it obtains the IP address.

There exists a domain name system (DNS) which links domain names and IP addresses. When the domain name is entered in the web browser, it searches for the IP address in the DNS. Your domain name has to be unique. Once a domain name is registered, it can only be owned for a limited period of time- usually for about 1 to 2 years at a stretch. Just before the period expires, you may renew the domain name for another 1-2 years if you want.

For your website to contain web pages you require a domain name and a web host.


Web host

It is a type of computer that is able to display the website on the Internet so that it can be viewed by people all over the world. Webhosting is an essential service which provides the ability to display websites on the WWW.


What to do to get my website


Four easy steps to get your own website:

  1. To begin with, you need to find a domain registrar that will register your domain name. You will need to search the web for one or check out the yellow pages. An example of a domain registrar is mrgoodhost.com.
  2. The second step is to create a domain name that will express to the public exactly what your website is about. For example, if your website is going to be about cooking food; it can be called (www.food.com).
  3. Once you pick your domain name, the next thing to do is to establish a web hosting account. You can check out ‘Free Web Hosting’. Simply follow the instructions that come along with it precisely in order to set up your web hosting account.
  4. After obtaining a web hosting account, you must make your site attractive enough for people browsing the net to visit. So, create the most fun design and write innovative content that will capture the interest of people everywhere.

Now your website is all set to be visited by the millions of netizens across the world. To attract more visitors, you may also optimize your website and promote it over social media